All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- addAppSetting(String, Object) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Adds or overwrites an app-specific setting.
- addValidationConstraint(String, String, Constraint) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Add a new constraint for a given field.
- approximately(long) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the number of minutes, hours, months elapsed for a time delta (milliseconds).
- appSettings() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the map containing app-specific settings.
- appSettings(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the value of a specific app setting (property).
- close() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Closes the underlying Jersey client and releases resources.
- com.erudika.para.client - module com.erudika.para.client
- com.erudika.para.client - package com.erudika.para.client
- countChildren(ParaObject, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Count the total number of child objects for this object.
- countLinks(ParaObject, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Count the total number of links between this object and another type of object.
- create(P) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Persists an object to the data store.
- createAll(List<P>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Saves multiple objects to the data store.
- delete(P) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Deletes an object permanently.
- deleteAll(List<String>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Deletes multiple objects.
- deleteChildren(ParaObject, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Deletes all child objects permanently.
- findById(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Simple id search.
- findByIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Simple multi id search.
- findChildren(ParaObject, String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Search through all child objects.
- findLinkedObjects(ParaObject, String, String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches through all linked objects in many-to-many relationships.
- findNearby(String, String, int, double, double, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Search for
objects in a radius of X km from a given point. - findNestedQuery(String, String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches within a nested field.
- findPrefix(String, String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for objects that have a property which value starts with a given prefix.
- findQuery(String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Simple query string search.
- findSimilar(String, String, String[], String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for objects that have similar property values to a given text.
- findTagged(String, String[], Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for objects tagged with one or more tags.
- findTags(String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for
objects. - findTermInList(String, String, List<String>, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for objects having a property value that is in list of possible values.
- findTerms(String, Map<String, ?>, boolean, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for objects that have properties matching some given values.
- findWildcard(String, String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Searches for objects that have a property with a value matching a wildcard query.
- formatDate(String, Locale) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Formats a date in a specific format.
- getAccessToken() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the JWT access token if any.
- getApiPath() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the API request path.
- getApp() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the
for the current access key (appid). - getChildren(ParaObject, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns all child objects linked to this object.
- getChildren(ParaObject, String, String, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns all child objects linked to this object.
- getChunkSize() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the batch chunk size.
- getCount(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Counts indexed objects.
- getCount(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Counts indexed objects matching a set of terms/values.
- getEndpoint() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the endpoint URL.
- getItems(String, Map<String, Object>, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Converts a list of Maps to a List of ParaObjects, at a given path within the JSON tree structure.
- getItemsFromList(List<?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Deserializes ParaObjects from a JSON array (the "items:[]" field in search results).
- getLinkedObjects(ParaObject, String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns all objects linked to the given one.
- getServerVersion() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the Para server version.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the current timestamp.
- grantResourcePermission(String, String, EnumSet<App.AllowedMethods>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Grants a permission to a subject that allows them to call the specified HTTP methods on a given resource.
- grantResourcePermission(String, String, EnumSet<App.AllowedMethods>, boolean) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Grants a permission to a subject that allows them to call the specified HTTP methods on a given resource.
- invokeDelete(String, MultivaluedMap<String, String>, Class<?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Invoke a DELETE request to the Para API.
- invokeGet(String, MultivaluedMap<String, String>, Class<?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Invoke a GET request to the Para API.
- invokePatch(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Invoke a PATCH request to the Para API.
- invokePost(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Invoke a POST request to the Para API.
- invokePut(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Invoke a PUT request to the Para API.
- isAllowedTo(String, String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Checks if a subject is allowed to call method X on resource Y.
- isLinked(ParaObject, ParaObject) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Checks if a given object is linked to this one.
- isLinked(ParaObject, String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Checks if this object is linked to another.
- link(ParaObject, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Links an object to this one in a many-to-many relationship.
- list(String, Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns a list all objects found for the given type.
- markdownToHtml(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Converts Markdown to HTML.
- me() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
- me(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Verifies a given JWT and returns the authenticated subject.
- newId() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Generates a new unique id.
- newKeys() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Generates a new set of access/secret keys.
- noSpaces(String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Converts spaces to dashes.
- pagerToParams(Pager...) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Converts a
object to query parameters. - ParaClient - Class in com.erudika.para.client
The Java REST client for communicating with a Para API server.
- ParaClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Default constructor.
- read(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Retrieves an object from the data store.
- read(String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Retrieves an object from the data store.
- readAll(List<String>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Retrieves multiple objects from the data store.
- readEverything(Function<Pager, List<T>>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Paginates through all objects and executes the provided function on the results.
- readEverything(Function<Pager, List<T>>, int) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Paginates through all objects and executes the provided function on the results.
- rebuildIndex() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Rebuilds the entire search index.
- rebuildIndex(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Rebuilds the entire search index.
- removeAppSetting(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Removes an app-specific setting.
- removeValidationConstraint(String, String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Removes a validation constraint for a given field.
- resourcePermissions() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the permissions for all subjects and resources for current app.
- resourcePermissions(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns only the permissions for a given subject (user) of the current app.
- revokeAllResourcePermissions(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Revokes all permission for a subject.
- revokeAllTokens() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Revokes all user tokens for a given user id.
- revokeResourcePermission(String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Revokes a permission for a subject, meaning they no longer will be able to access the given resource.
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Sets the JWT access token.
- setApiPath(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Sets the API request path.
- setAppSettings(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Overwrites all app-specific settings.
- setChunkSize(int) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Sets the chunk size for batch CRUD operations.
- setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Sets the host URL of the Para server.
- signIn(String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Takes an identity provider access token and fetches the user data from that provider.
- signIn(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Takes an identity provider access token and fetches the user data from that provider.
- signOut() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Clears the JWT access token but token is not revoked.
- stripAndTrim(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Strips all symbols, punctuation, whitespace and control chars from a string.
- throwExceptionOnHTTPError(boolean) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Enable/disable exception throwing in ParaClient.
- types() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns all registered types for this App.
- typesCount() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the number of objects for each existing type in this App.
- unlink(ParaObject, String, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Unlinks an object from this one.
- unlinkAll(ParaObject) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Unlinks all objects that are linked to this one.
- update(P) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Updates an object permanently.
- updateAll(List<P>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Updates multiple objects.
- updateAllPartially(BiFunction<List<Map<String, Object>>, Pager, List<T>>) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Performs a partial batch update on all objects of given type.
- updateAllPartially(BiFunction<List<Map<String, Object>>, Pager, List<T>>, int, int) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Performs a partial batch update on all objects of given type.
- validationConstraints() - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the validation constraints map.
- validationConstraints(String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Returns the validation constraints map.
- voteDown(ParaObject, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Downvote an object and register the vote in DB.
- voteDown(ParaObject, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Downvote an object and register the vote in DB.
- voteUp(ParaObject, String) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Upvote an object and register the vote in DB.
- voteUp(ParaObject, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.erudika.para.client.ParaClient
Upvote an object and register the vote in DB.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages