All Classes and Interfaces

This class represents an address.
This is a representation of an application within Para.
Represents HTTP methods allowed to be executed on a specific resource/type.
This listener is executed when a new child App is created.
This listener is executed when a new child App is deleted.
This listener is executed when a setting is added to an application.
This listener is executed when a setting is removed from an application.
This class manages object caching.
Annotation that marks methods that can modify the cache.
The type of cache operation.
This class loads configuration settings from a file and sets defaults.
Represents a validation constraint.
Provides some the basic functionality for domain objects.
Helper utility class for currency operations.
A custom API resource handler.
The core persistence interface.
This listener is executed when the Para.destroy() is called.
A generic annotation intended to be used for attaching documentation metadata to the getter methods of configuration properties.
Annotation for email validation.
An email service.
A file store interface.
Generic exception mapper.
HumanTime parses and formats time deltas for easier reading by humans.
Annotation that marks methods that can modify the search index.
The search action performed.
This listener is executed when the Para.initialize() is called.
Listens for create/read/update/delete events when DAO is called.
Applied to all ParaObjects by default.
This class represents a many-to-many relationship (link) between two objects.
Annotation that marks a field as 'locked' i.e.
Annotation that marks a method for interception by AOP.
Helper methods for working with performance metrics.
An auto-closeable class that manages timers for both the overall system as well as specific application.
Fake DAO for in-memory persistence.
In-memory FileStore.
This class stores pagination data.
This is the main utility class and entry point.
Para configuration.
The core domain interface.
Contains methods for object/grid mapping, JSON serialization, class scanning and resolution.
The core queue interface.
A simple rate limiter implemented using the sliding window counter algorithm.
A utility for creating, reading, and updating registries.
The core search interface.
This class extends BaseAws4Signer implementing the AWS Signature Version 4 algorithm.
Annotation indicates that this field will be stored in the database.
A generic system class for storing data.
A tag.
A translation is a key/value pair which holds a single translated string.
The core user object.
Simple groups enum.
Simple user roles enum.
Miscellaneous Para utilities.
Helper methods for validating objects and generating JSON schemas.
Uses the generated class to display version information.
This interface enables voting on an object.
The type of vote (negative or positive).
When a user votes on an object the vote is saved as positive or negative.
Represents a webhook registration.
Listens for IO events and forwards them to the registered webhooks, via a queue.